


The Department of Treasury maintains the executive budget for GUSA, determining allocations of available funding and executing a fundraising strategy. The Treasury Department additionally works to connect students with resources necessary for an accessible and successful college experience.


The Department of Operations coordinates and oversees the organizational system for the GUSA Executive to better aid the policy-centered departments in their efforts to execute their policy initiatives. Responsibilities of the Operations Department include managing the GUSA Executive project management system, Google Drive, and communication with auxiliary offices such as the Student Advocacy Office (SAO) and the Election Commission.


The Department of Communications is responsible for crafting clear and impactful messaging that informs students about various initiatives, events, and opportunities. Through strategic use of digital platforms, social media, and traditional communication methods, the team ensures that the voices of students are heard and represented. Additionally, the Communications Department collaborates with other university organizations to promote transparency and inclusivity, making it an essential hub for student advocacy and information-sharing.

External Affairs 

The Department of External Affairs advances student engagement beyond campus by fostering connections with local communities and DC colleges and advocating on key policy issues. It focuses on educational access and other student concerns, amplifying students’ voices and expanding civic participation.


The Department of Outreach serves as the executive office responsible for fostering engagement between individual students, student organizations, and student government to ensure representation and address student concerns.

Academic and Administrative Affairs

The Department of Academic and Administrative Affairs is responsible for looking at policies surrounding student academic life and conduct. This will include working closely with academic councils, the Conduct Office, the ARC, SAO, Transfer Council, faculty, and administration to ensure transparency, highlight student concerns, and ensure that the needs of our students are met.  

Campus and Social Life 

The Department of Campus and Social Life plays a crucial role in reforming party policies and improving campus spaces and activities. This department works to improve the social life of Georgetown students and the use of shared spaces.

Diversity and Community Development

The Department of Diversity and Community Development aims to make Georgetown a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable place for all students—especially those from vulnerable communities. We take action on campus inequalities, push for progressive policies, and ensure the administration stays accountable to student needs.

In a time of shifting political landscapes, we’re here to offer protections, support, and advocacy for students navigating these changes. Our work focuses on fostering cross-cultural solidarity, ensuring institutional accountability, and expanding resources that promote safety, belonging, and well-being for all students.

Facilities, Transportation, and Dining

The Department of Facilities, Transportation, and Dining serves as the executive office promoting policy around housing, facilities maintenance and accessibility, on and off-campus transportation access, and dining.

Labor and Financial Accessibility

The Department of Labor and Financial Accessibility serves as the executive office promoting policy around socioeconomic equity and access, as well as the interests of both student and non-student workers. 

Student Health and Wellness

The Student Health and Wellness Department serves as the executive office working to promote students’ mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. This encompasses working with stakeholders including faculty, students, and administration to ensure that students’ needs are being met, address any wellness concerns, and work to promote student health across the Georgetown community.